In today’s digital age, protecting your digital content has never been more important. In a time when highly-sophisticated hacking groups can hijack the websites, Twitter pages, and digital content of Malaysia Airlines, US CENTCOM, and Sony Pictures, protecting your files from would-be cyber criminals is vital to the success and peace of mind of your business as well the customers you serve. For this reason, researching managed file transfer services is a necessary step your business must take.
There are a variety of managed file transfer services to choose from but here are a few key ones to look out for:
- FTP: File transfer protocol, or FTP, is one of the standard data delivery services in use today. FTP enables different clients, or “hosts,” to transfer files to and from via a server. What is special about FTP is that it uses different controls and data mechanisms for both the clients and the servers.
- SFTP: Secure file transfer protocol, or SFTP, is similar to FTP only in name. SFTP uses a secured data transfer stream to transfer files, offering an extra layer of protection against hackers and outside sources. The “S” can also refer to “SSH,” the name of the stream used.
- Encryption: Encryption is the process of converting readable data known as “plaintext” into indecipherable data known as “ciphertext.” Reversing the process is known as “decryption.” In order to decrypt data, programmers use a “key” that serves as a guide to re-translate the data back to plaintext. There are two major kinds of encryption: symmetric and asymmetric. Symmetric is the oldest and most famous technique.
No matter how large or small your IT department is, the fact remains that there will always be predators on the web ready to take advantage of the shieldless. Don’t let your data become compromised. By using these data delivery methods and different types of servers, you can ensure your data will not be delivered into the wrong hands. Get more here.